Monday, October 24, 2011

Ups & Downs


From couch-bound to riding a bicycle and playing in the sun to being couch-bound again.

The weather can do some tricky things to folks with Lyme. Especially cold weather. My prayers are going out to all my fellow Lymies who have roommates that are being strict about the heat situation in the home - enforcing low heat and demanding you wear layers.

I cannot tell you what a nightmare it was for me while I was living in Seattle with the extreme low pressure system and cold, damp rain. I had a roommate who was willing to spend thousands on material possessions and hundreds each week on going out to bars and drinking, but was tight when it came to the electric bill. The heat was kept on 60F - which might be tolerable for normal, healthy folks. I suffered tremendously and lived in enormous amounts of pain. Suffice it to say, I am no longer friends with this person (even though we grew up together).

At some point, you have to learn who your friends are, then simply walk away from the ones who are hurting you with their unfeeling irritation toward your situation. You should first try to inform them, though. Give them a chance or two. Then, when that fails, just walk away! If you're stuck with them, DEMAND WARMTH. I don't care if you have to throw a fit for it and have an awkward living situation - it's better than the pain that will result in being cold.

So, here I am in chilly North Carolina, couch-bound. I recently took a trip down to Orange Beach, AL with my boyfriend (which added to our debt, but it was so worth it) and it did wonders for my pain. I was able to ride a bicycle around a neighborhood block and do some walking. I knew that I could do so much more if I just wasn't so weak. All I would need is the right climate to become strong! So we are seriously considering relocating very soon.

Here's a little video we made on the topic:

It's also important to have a temperature regulated home. Never turn the heat OFF to conserve energy while you're not at home. Think of your power bill as a medical bill! Keep it warm and well ventilated in your bathroom while showering - because you may well know that a chilly bathroom can make showering a long and painful experience.

Anyway, those are my thoughts/tips. I'm writing to you from the couch right now. I'll post again soon about some serious issues I've been having. Some things I'd like to share in hopes of relating to some other Lymies.

Take care, warm hugs, & thanks for reading!


1 comment:

  1. This is so on the dot! I'm up in Maine and trying to stay warm. We have to try to be a little skimpy on heat because oil costs so much here. I always sneak over to the thermostat and kick it up a notch. Sunny Florida sounds lovely! Glad you were able to get moving a bit. I know if all of us lived in the right place we'd get stronger a lot more quickly! Much love <3
